
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Three slices of awesome

Gosh it's hard to keep up with the intended posting schedule when I've actually been out and about seeing and doing a bunch of blog worthy things. I guess its always the right choice to do it rather than report on it. Rather than have one post that takes an hour to read I am about to do a couple of broken up ones to log in all the awesome from the last couple of weeks starting with two programs on television and one movie I saw that I just love so much and wish everybody could see and experience... 

I missed a bit of this one but 'The New Normal' is just about perfect television. Its funny and modern but behind all the stereotype characters there is a smart and completely adorable show that is developing more depth as it goes on. I watched the episode about choosing god parents for the baby last night and spent most of it smiling like a dork and going Awwwwwww. This show ROCKS :)

My favourite friend is back. Mathew Perry isn't playing 'Chandler' in this one but that's not to say the characters are completely different. Perhaps if Chandler had been a self centered sports radio guy and Monica died in a horrible accident one day then this might have happened in Friends world. I love this show for all of the nutty characters who are treated with sensitivity but their eccentricities are not pandered to. I love that Ryan is evolving and that he is actually a lovely guy under it all and most of all I just think that this show is so charming and lovely.... it's hard to put into words but it's a real grower and if you watch more than one episode you're bound to be hooked.

Now this isn't a perfect pic but it is most certainly a perfect movie. I don't say that easily. In fact I may be almost impossibly hard to please when it comes to capturing my movie dollars but I saw this and ... it's perfect. Nothing else to say. Iron Man 3 has EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING is done impeccably. I just don't have enough words to be more articulate than that. Go See This Movie if you haven't. So So So So good! 
*the one thing that does surprise me about this movie is that Robert Downy Junior and Vin Diesel now have something in common! They both have franchises that get awesome after the first one :) whodathunk!

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