
Monday, June 24, 2013

Baby I'm amazed

This post is labeled 'random observations' because really... I'm in a random sort of mood.  I have come to some random 'amazing' realisations today

Isn't it amazing how absence sometimes doesn't make the heart grow fonder. sometimes you have friends who you think are friends, and who you think are important in your life. You think you will miss them when you don't see them every day... and then you don't and you realise that they really aren't.

Isn't it amazing how when you fall over in a public type situation the total humiliation means you don't feel pain ... until you're in private at least! LOL

Isn't it amazing how the Macarons at McDonalds are so delicious that no cafe could compete. 

Isn't it amazing how completely amazingly attractive Vin Diesel is ...

Isn't it A-MA-ZING how when you're early for a bus it's late and when you're on time or 2 minutes late it's early! GRRRR

Isn't it amazing how sitting or laying on your bed all day can leave you feeling so stiff and in such desperate need of exercise. And to further that theme isn't it amazing how Yoga can become such a part of your life in such a short period of time.

Finally ... isn't it amazing how your friends (the real ones) can still inspire and make you proud even years after you meet them! 

So that's some of the places that my brain has taken me today. I've also had some random thoughts about boys but I don't think I will post them here. LOLOLOL I want to stay a lil bit positive on this blog :-)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Fast and Furious #6

I saw Fast and Furious 6 this afternoon. LOVED IT!!!! This franchise gets better and better. WOW. It's pretty much what you think it's going to be but better. As always it was carried by the indomitable  charms of Mr Diesel, the fast cars and the impossible fight scenes. Each and every person on that team should be broken into little pieces but magically they pretty much come out unscathed. My friend and I were smiling the whole way through ... and gasping and holding our breath AND comparing the lovely Vin with the terrifying Dwayne "the rock" Johnson. OMG that man is ginormous! EEEwwwwww  

I always wonder why Vin is so attractive. On paper he really doesn't work but there's just something about that hyper masculine, loyal to the core explosive type personality all wrapped up in the delightfully buff package that isn't as OTT as The Rock.   

Ahhhh Vin Diesel. Long may you make awesome movies that make my heart race a little and leave me grinning like a dork.

10/10 two thumbs UP :-)


I am the newest member of this fan club <3

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

7 days to go

Well. This practicum really has flown by so fast. I can hardly believe that there's only 7 DAYS to go! I am beyond excited by that fact and when it's down to 1 let me just say... Ima be bouncing off the walls! 

This has been the steepest learning curve of my life and the main thing that I've learned is that, despite the huge amount of amazingly positive things, I'm just not cut out to teach kids this age. I don't know what the problem is as the whole thing really isn't going that badly.It's fine .. it's ok... you know ?but I just really don't love it. My lecturer thinks I do so that's the main thing right? LOL

When this is done I get three whole weeks break!! SA-WEEEEET!! 

I'd love to spend the whole time doing things that are not suitable for kids. Absolutely nothing G rated would be awesome. Just a little bit of time that isn't consumed with my future career would be nice. I guess I have still not given into the lifestyle, it'll happen I know but I'm resisting!


Friday, June 14, 2013


Photo from the Ballet Revolucion facebook page

I've just returned home from possibly the best show ... or the best anything that I have ever seen in my LIFE. The Ballet Revolucion is ... simply.. just...I cant even begin to do them justice!!!

It's urban ballet. They're superb ballerinas who kill it in hip hip and salsa. They each have the energy of 10 people and they are so engaging it's crazy. This show is beautiful and I didn't want to close my eyes. In fact I found myself trying to sneeze with them open!

There is little in the way of staging but the charisma and skill of the dancers combined with the great live band and a bit of lighting is more than enough. I was filled with energy and a sudden urge to dance on a Havana rooftop. I remember the exact perfect one :)

I think what I need to do now is, obviously, spend the next year doing daily yoga and dance. Then I should probably learn some Spanish and do a rum tasting degree so that I can really rock it in the Havana clubs.... LOL 

I wonder when I will stop smiling! oMG I feel like such a dork but it was THAT good :) If they hit your city you HAVE TO GO AND SEE THEM

Thanks for the most awesome birthday present Mum


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wow. Could I be more Blonde! BLAH

Reality is a BITCH!!! 

I've had a good introduction to the realities of teacher life over the last week or so and I sit here on a Tuesday night absolutely shattered at 7pm. This is particularly sad as I've only had a mild dose of reality. I think I prefer my naive, princess alternate universe hahaha :P

I need to think a bit before I speak I think. Today I agreed to go to the 48 hour film fest final. Well .. jumped at the offer is probably more apt but post purchasing of tickets I realised that I will have 4.5 hours to kill between school and doors opening. BUGGER. On top of that I wont get home till almost midnight which is so far past bed time!


I'm going to the 'Ballet Revelucion' on Friday night which is a dance group from Havana who are in Auckland for a week. The night is a birthday gift from my mother and I've been looking forward to it for months!.  On Saturday I'm heading away for the weekend....  

Yep Monday is gonna be AWESOME

One of these days I will learn to use my head and sacrifice some of the things I want for that bitch REALITY

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why I will never eat fizz wizz again

These little bastards ruined my day!!!
Turns out that Fizz Wizz has lactose in it. Whodathunk?
I tossed them back before I left the house this morning and then I was halfway to my destination and WOOSH - reaction.

I missed out on an important thing for school and made myself look so stupid because I had to ask someone I barely know to drive me home :(

What a waste of a gorgeous autumn day 
Damn You Fizz Wizz

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Not negative but not sunshine either

I'm sitting on my couch right now and my brain is swimming with so many thoughts, none of which particularly make me happy. I feel like it would be awesome if I had a life manager to be honest who could just tell me what to do and the how and when to do it. *sigh*

For some reason this practicum is not gelling well for me. I don't quite know what the issue is but I honestly feel like it's me. I come away each day feeling like I am in need of remedial instruction. Actually, to be really honest I come away each day feeling dumber than a door knob. I'm not at all. I am in fact pretty intelligent. I am really beginning to fear that I am just not cut out to be a teacher ..... as much as I.... really am cut out to be a teacher. 

It doesn't make sense at all. The only way I can really think of it is that I am cut out to be a Children's Librarian. The same sort of 'hanging out with the fun kids' bit but without all the boring and painful pedagogy. I do know that if I am not engaged in something I find it really hard to learn it and I am yet to find something at university that I feel engaged with. 

I am poorer than I have ever been and it sucks so badly. Of course I don't count when it really comes to 'poor' because I have my family behind me and they will always support me if I need it. This month I cant pay the water bill... of $20! OMG. This is perhaps the hardest thing to adjust to after coming from a well paying job. It's so stressful that it clouds everything I do. Upside = a good chance to loose some weight if I cant afford food!

Speaking of food... sort of.. I splurged $4.50 tonight and got myself a 'Georgie Pie' Pie from McDonald's. There was a lot of hype and hope involved BUT ... honestly kind of a let down. I think it's the fake cheese that the memories are attached to. Sooooo classy LOL

Tomorrow is my 3rd date with Ryan :) yay. He's gonna make me dinner and then we're gonna watch a movie on his schmancy a.v system. I think it's the fact that date one we played pool and date two we went to the 48 hour film fest that has gotten us to date 3. LOL. He's got a fab handle on what makes great dates. He argues like a mofo, smokes, is not clean shaven .... and is younger than me BUT I think he's cool. I guess I shouldn't hold the beard against him as it really does suit him and he probably would look strange without it. So anyway, there's that.

I am supposed to be teaching math tomorrow and to be honest I don't know my times tables. So much stress involved. GRRRS

I guess the moral of the story is... regardless of how crap you feel GO TO YOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

True That

Wedding Bees by Sarah-Kate Lynch

I've always said that when I grow up I want to be Sarah-Kate. She has the BEST life. Novelist come Columnist come world traveler with a husband and no kids! SWEET. (of course I don't know her or her circumstances so that's just my perception of her life from the outside :) )

In the past I wrote a bad review of one of her books and it made me feel so guilty! I've read all of her novels and I guess like anybody else some things she produces are better than others and again, its only my perception. Luckily this book is AWESOME! I loved Wedding Bees to pieces. 

This is such a charming story and so well written. It's not going to challenge you at all but more importantly it WILL make you smile and it WILL make you want to head straight to New York and Charleston. 

Sarah-Kate is BACK. With this book she is hanging with the chic-lit heavy hitters. Cecelia Ahern better watch her back!!! 

A big huge 5/5 and yes I still wanna be Sarah-Kate when I grow up!


Invisibility by David Levithan and Andrea Cremer

I first fell for David Levithan when reading his collaboration with John Green "Will Grayson Will Grayson". Then even more when I got my hands on the beautiful and sad " Everyday". I had high hopes for this one and to some extent it delivered. I liked this book. I like the way the unusual things that happen are dealt with and I like the relationships that evolve. In "Invisibility" I just felt that they evolved to quickly and to easily. 

When the book started to veer quite sharply into the paranormal or magical parts of the story it lost its strength which was the developing relationship. Levithan is the master of 'never gonna happen' love stories that leave you believing in the world again but this time it just didn't get there. Despite the dramatic events of the story there was no one moment, no big realisation for the lovers to reach. They resigned themselves to their destiny quietly and the story almost uses it as an afterthought rather than the resolution of the main story arc.

This is a Y.A novel so it is intended for a different audience than some of the other books I've read but I have read this author and enjoyed his work immensely but this just wasn't as good. It was good but not great. I would recommend it with the proviso that it wont rock your world but you wont be asking for a refund of the time you spend reading it either.


The 48 hour Film Festival

The 48 hour film festival is a really fun amateur film maker challenge. Teams enter and they get given a set of criteria and 48 hours to make their film. As far as I could tell this year the criteria were .. in no particular order.. a point of view shot, an insomniac named Vic Meyers and the phrase 'did you hear that'.

Tonight was heat 18 and there were 13 films so you can imagine how huge the job of the judges is! It was a very eclectic crowd and all of the teams were there so you could look around and see the stars of the show in the auditorium. The one I particularly liked was made by ... or the lead character was ( I couldn't figure out which) an alien pirate ninja! AWESOME. 

A couple of films left me scratching my head, some of them made me laugh my ass off and one was a horror so well done that I was super glad it wasn't longer than 7 minutes! The tickets were free... or well, I was told they were but I don't know if the person I was with might not have 'organised' it for me.

If I had known about this before hand I would love to have gone to check out more heats. Unfortunately those damn kids require me to be prepared and ready to roll before I get in frount of them so I wont be able to go back tomorrow for a few more rounds... hehehehe yeah. damn kids! :P 

Thanks for the invite Ryan :)