
Friday, February 28, 2014

Brian McKnight 'More than words' tour

Last night this happened....

I had the most amazing afternoon/evening :) I started off by finding an outfit that didn't totally suck and having an OK hair day. Then I was off for a drink with Mr who was ... well he was buggered after a long week but still his lovely self. Then I went to the Aotea Centre for the best show ever. I'm still a little overwhelmed by exactly how good it was!

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popping into my flatmates room to use her mirror for a kissy-face selfie. I had to send it to my sister to get her opinion on the outfit or it was gonna be a really long decision making process LOL
LOL - Mr and I enjoyed a beer at Orleans which shares an outdoor area with Racket bar. Thought this was a funny idea. Wonder what the bouncers think of it...

Tevin Campbell (my first love) was the opening act. He is so funny looking now all bean pole body, shiny shoes and hat. He was so good. I mean... just... WOW. There was no sense of it being at all pathetic for him to be singing songs from when he was 15 and 16 as I feared. To be honest I actually think the lyrics worked pretty well for a 37 year old. He still has that voice and I have to admit that I pretty much burst into tears at the opening notes of 'I'm Ready'. During his set it was weirdly hard to remember to breathe. I was so happy for intermission ahahahahaha

Brian McKnight was next and he was even better than last time though ... the shows were different. I dont think he needs the band and all the lights even a little bit. BUT. They were really cool. I loved his bass player who added some comedy and of course a mean bass line. This time around there was a lot less talking and importantly he sang my all time fave song from his catalog "The Rest Of My Life". *SWOON*. I'm seriously not even joking. Again it was kinda hard to remember to breathe. He is just so good! I mean really??? WOW. There are no words to adequately express how amazing he is. 

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It was honestly a night that I don't think will be topped in a hurry. I can't imagine what could come my way that would be better :) The only downside was all the stary-eyed couples around me hanging on to each other and slow dancing the show away. Honestly they were so cute and it was so cool to see BUT .... I was there alone!!! Bummer hahahahahaha

I feel so grateful. Grateful to my mum for giving me the ticket for Christmas and even more than grateful I think privileged to have been in that auditorium to see those men perform.  So thank you Mum thank you Tevin and Thank you Brian :)


Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Pilot Bay - Mt Maunganui

Surf Beach Mt Maunganui

Keeping the glasses in tact at the Hamilton Markets

Swimming :)

Swimming :)

It's been a great week so far. Tomorrow I get to spend the evening with some of my favourite men! MR and Tevin Campbell AND Brian McKnight! 

I am LOVING this week


Monday, February 17, 2014

So yeah... my teenage dreams are coming true!

This morning I was laying in bed playing around on my tablet thingy and remembered that I needed to check the date of the concert I'm going to next week. I have no idea how it's not burnt into my brain but I guess when you get tickets so early the exact day seems so far away you don't think too hard about it. Anyhow... I am seeing Brian McKnight at the Aotea Centre and I nearly had a heart attack when I realised that TEVIN CAMPBELL has been added as support. OHMYGOSH. Tevin Campbell is my first love. I had him all over my walls and school books through the early years of high school and one of the first guys I ever had a big crush on in real life looked so much like him LOL. Oh 14 you're so funny ;)

So essentially I am going to be under the same roof as TEVIN FREAKING CAMPBELL and BRIAN MCKNIGHT at the same time. OMG I CANT BREATHE lololol I'm a little sad that I'm going to the show alone but probably for the best as I'm absolutley gonna make a fool of myself. Kinda makes me wish I'd sprung for the better seats now but what can you do.

I cant stop smiling. Seriously. I look high. LOL :D

OH the beauty. The visual and auditory ( is that the word??? lol) beauty is going to be intense and I know this coz I saw Brian last time he came to NZ. HEHEHHEE This is the coolest thing ever and I don't even care how high my dork flag is flying right now. 

Girls got a right to be insanely excited in times such as these right??


Friday, February 14, 2014

Youtube love

My new fave channel. A new visual poem every day <3

Cupid's a Bitch and it turns out so am I

Here's a random assortment of snaps I took this afternoon for my #100happydays project. It's been a crappy day and to be honest not much was making me happy but good old Queen Wharf is always good for a bit of down town cool :)

Of course today is February 14... AKA the day people who aren't in a relationship or the subject of unrequited love tend to want to drink.. a lot. I've never really thought about Valentines day very much. It's kind of a dumb idea but then I started seeing SO.MANY.PEOPLE celebrating it. The amount of red roses roaming around Auckland this afternoon! SERIOUSLY!!! OMG. The patients were wishing me a Happy Valentines with sparkles in their eyes and I just wanted to go 'pft What EVER' at them. Even on Face book I had to see my friends having my fave John Legend song dedicated to them.... GRRRR

HAHAHAHAHA Seriously I was noticing love everywhere and it was depressing. Of course the thing is that I'm actually very happy for people. I think its so sweet and really great that people are happily in love and enjoying celebrating that fact because it's worth celebrating. It's special and fabulous and more power to em and long may it last but please... cut it out with the John Legend and roses in public! BAH HUMBUG ;-)


Thursday, February 13, 2014

If you dont look closely I totally look like a real grown up!

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This is me at 6 am this morning LOL. In my fave dress that I wear when I want to look like a real grown up! Hahaha :) I look so tired in this pic it kind of makes me laugh but whatever!  

Today I pulled out my ninja smiles and continued to smile and chat with the masses like I was having the time of my life despite the fact that OMG I am tired and OMG I really didn't want to be there. It's kind of cool how working in the hospital brings out the best in you ... or me at least lol

I can't wait till the weekend so that I can catch up and start feeling human again. I hate it when I get this tired and stuff. I fall so far behind on life and start over thinking things that I should NOT be wasting energy on. Despite the things that I want to have happen in the next couple of weeks I actually have hardly any control over them so I just need to worry about me and go with the flow. Do my bit and get out of the way of what's gonna happen. No point being insecure or demoralised or angry. 

Que Serra Serra and all of that


Monday, February 10, 2014

sometimes you have to be scared and decide to do it anyway.....

My friend Hue and I were talking about the future the other day, trying to decided what our ideal lives would be like. I came up with a life that included my own space that I don't need to own, so long as its mine. A puppy. A boy who I don't need to sign a piece of paper with but ... who I might sign that paper with (LOL), enough money to visit the islands or Australia every year and a small circle of awesome friends that I see often.  Nothing too bizarre right?

It sounds comfortable and happy to me. The thing is how do I get from here to there? The first thing is that I need to be employed! I am so sick of having no money and having to so carefully think about every single dollar! I've found an AMAZING job that pays very well that I'm going to apply for. I actually think that it's probably a little out of my league but it ties up everything I love in one shiny bow. I want that job but it brings me to scary thing number one that I don't want to do but am probably going to have to do....

DRIVING ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!!! My dream job is going to require me to learn to drive. I have less than zero desire to do it. I do NOT want to own a car or be responsible for driving one on the road. The thought petrifies me but perhaps it's time to cowboy up and do it. I'm almost breaking out in a cold sweat just thinking about it but ... I really would love that job! That job would be a huge step towards making my dream future happen and it feels ridiculous that something like driving will take it away from me ...  

Scary thing number two....?? well. I guess there are a bunch of things.. changes and adaptions. ARGH. I will possibly ... no .. probably be living a very different life by my birthday in 3 months. Almost everything will hopefully be changing. I'm so excited and absolutely ready for it but at the same time it goes against my nature to put myself out there, to take risks and really go after what I want. The thing that has made me ready to be scared and do it anyway is that I finally realised that what I want is pretty simple and it shouldn't really need to be a drama to get it. I just need to take some steps I'm taking them :) 

... Edited LOL

Saturday, February 8, 2014

#100happydays was almost a fail today

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When I woke up today I felt awful! I didn't want to get out of bed and to be honest I didn't till well after 12 pm. I had no plans and no money so in my grumpy mood I didn't know what I would find for my #100happydays picture.
Then I realised it's summer,I live in a beautiful part of the world and nothing beats the feeling of sunshine on your skin and a warm breeze flirting with you. I love the sounds and importantly the smells of summer time at the beach.  So I ended up with a lot of pics. They may not have been different than anything I've been taking pictures of since I moved here but they truly are what make me happy on the daily :)


Tuesday, February 4, 2014


So I was just reading my girl Reannas blog You'll Move Mountains...( ok we're not friends but I've been reading her blog for a while and feel like we could be lol) and she was talking about the 100 happy days project she's completing. 

Basically it's a social media challenge set by this web site in which you take a moment every day for 100 days to record something that makes you happy. You take a picture and then hash-tag it in order to join up. Simple but elegant :)

I decided straight away to sign up because with my life I should find this a breeze but I also know that I complain way to much and focus on the little things way to much. It's going to be nice to look back after 100 days to see what made me happy.

The post I put up on here ..and Instagram yesterday could have been a good place to start but NO CHEATING LOL. Cheating is not the point so I shall try hard to find something good and then Instagram the crap out of that shizz before I go to bed tonight!!! hahahahahahaha

I'm talking to MR. and dissing Rod Stewart on Facebook right now which is a fantastic way to start the day. It's making me very happy indeed. 


Sunday, February 2, 2014

Pakuranga Night Markets

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The main reason one goes to the night markets is for cheap and diverse food options. It's so fun and such a cheap way to eat out. LOVE IT. We were on the hunt for fried ice cream... yep you read that right! Hahahaha. Both boys love it and I was so curious to see how it would even look but alas the booth wasn't there last night. Still, we ate like kings. I had the best steamed red bean bun. Om nom nom. I prefer red bean over pork buns but it is like having desert for dinner.

What I really appreciated about the markets was the fact that the stalls had things I wanted to buy at a price point I could actually reach. I found so many necklaces and things I wanted to buy but I walked away with this one...

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Something about this thing just took my fancy. It's totally weird and it's going to require the 'right' outfit ( which is obviously NOT this one! LOL - excuse the cleavage) but I just love it and I reckon I can be pretty sure nobody will have the same one :-)

We ended up spending 3 hours at the markets. I had such a great time and I 'd love to go back but given that it's quite far from my house ... aaand I don't drive I doubt it will happen any time soon. 

*more edits*
