
Monday, June 9, 2014

A sad week at the movies

In the last week or so I've been to two different movies and they've both been super sad! Normally I'd run the other way from all of this emotion but in the first movie I had no idea what I was getting into and in the second I knew exactly what I was getting but it was something I've been excited for for such a long time I grabbed my tissues and almost literally ran to the theater!! 

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Movie one is a micro-budget New Zealand movie. I thought the story telling and the movie stuff , like acting (and stuff) were pretty amazing. This story is honestly heartbreaking. As much as I usually go to the movies to be transported to a 'better', 'funnier', 'more beautiful' world there is really something so compelling about the dark side of reality. The movie centers around Tania who is working nights to try and raise enough money to take her little brother to Australia to find their dad. It's all going well and things are working out when reality hits. I love the way that they were able to infuse so much humor into such a terribly sad story without showing any disrespect to the characters and their situation. It was hard to form an articulate response to this movie because every part of the story is something that I have no experience with and very little knowledge of.  Though I did grow up just up the road from where they filmed it :) 

Fantail is something that we can all be proud of and I'd love to see what these guys could do with a budget! 

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The. Fault. In. Our. Stars... do I need to say anything else???

I have been looking forward to this movie for more than a year so I was so excited to finally get the chance to see it yesterday. I had my extra tissues so I felt prepared for what I knew was to come. I don't know what the problem really was but as much as this was an awesome adaptation of the movie, as much as the acting and scripts were great there was just something that didn't reach the same heights as the movie that played in my head while I read the book. I think perhaps I'm old and crotchety and have too high standards for movies?? I really liked this. I cried a bit and smiled in the smiley parts and honestly appreciated what I was watching but I didn't fall in love.


Monday, June 2, 2014

an awesome long weekend

Ahhh got to love a long weekend! ... of course being pretty much unemployed means that the public holidays mean next to nothing to me. I spent the weekend with Mr and it was really good even though we didn't do heaps. I have been loving listening to his old school LPs and hearing a bunch of different music played on that format. Could possibly be a real music snob hiding under my layers of love for Beyonce :P

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We listened to the Sound City album and then watched the movie. What a cool experience. I'm not into rock particularly but the documentary was really interesting and I actually did enjoy the music. After that we danced around the lounge to Dr Hook... LOL

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We went to a birthday party at Little Easy on Ponsonby Road. There was a tab which was a nice surprise and on the whole I loved this place. Great music, fab staff and a really cool vibe designed by Lovelace & co (I think)

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Mr lives close to a really good Op shop. He found a few amazing buys. A great jumper that looks amazing on him for $5! I didn't find anything except this creepy Ronald McDonald doll in the toy bin .... which I didn't buy LOLOL

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I've been reading this book over the weekend because Ariel Bissett who is one of my fave book-tubers recommended it so highly. I'm not quite done but at this point I must admit..."my name is Anita and I am loving a book about mermaids" HAHAHA

So there ya go. A weekend of hanging with my fave man and broadening my musical horizons. Drinking on a tab in a great bar, watching documentaries and just generally having a great, low key time. I wish I could do that every weekend!
