
Friday, August 1, 2014

I cant decide if my life is embarrassingly sad or insanely awesome!

I didn't ever plan to make this blog quite as personal as I have recently but to be honest these are the types of blogs I like to read and also right now the things that are on my mind are kind of personal... so WHATEVER.

Tonight I went to the Library to get my new book ( Landline by Rainbow Rowell *SQUEE*) and then decided since I wasn't quite ready to go home that I would have something to eat before going for a bus. I probably chose a really dumb place to eat because it's dark and lovely and not a place to be on a Friday night by yourself. Within two sips of my overly sweet muscato I was starting to get really pissy with my life. I mean it's pretty cool to be able to read in lovely surrounds while eating beautiful crepes BUT on a Friday night after a week of work I'd really like to not be taking myself out on a romantic date. I'd really like to have someone to unwind with and to enjoy it with me! I thought that a boyfriend would be good for that sort of thing but of course I end up with one who lives in a different world that runs on different norms. It just all feels really unfair sometimes. 

Now I'm being a brat I know and obviously I am in no way comparing my situation to people with actual problems but it's so frustrating and a little depressing. 

I tend to go on a bit of a roller-coaster with my thoughts on being in a relationship with someone who has a ridiculous job they adore. On one hand, I have a great man who's amazing to be around and is nothing but awesome to me and who has a work ethic that I am actually really proud of BUT on the other I essentially have the life of a single person without actually having the right to act like one.  It's not that I have any desire to act like a single person and get on that dating wheel again, not even a little bit, but I get all the bad things about being single without the fun of dating! NO FAIR

HUMPH! I know logically that it's about accepting all parts of the person and loving them for who they are and what they bring to your life. I know that the universe is 'not a wish granting factory' and as such it's important to be able to be flexible with what you're wanting and dreaming of. To be able to reconcile what you want with what you get. I know that if I'm going to get off this roller-coaster I need to accept what I have in this adorable man and adjust my expectations. After all, who knows what the future holds. I am probably missing parts of the puzzle and maybe in time a picture will reveal itself that surpasses all of my dreams and is more than what I could hope for right now.  


Ok whiny baby time is over!

Going home to read more of this cool book and clean my house so I can go to the film festival guilt free tomorrow ;-)

Friday, July 25, 2014

This is not what I sat down here to write!

At the start of the week I heard about a cool thing that was happening tonight and I asked my boyfriend if he was free to come with me. when he said he was working I kind of lost it a little bit. Several minutes of swearing and being REALLY mad ensued. It's not his fault he happened to be working on the one random night I wanted to do something but I felt so disappointed and all sorts of " what's the point of having a bf if he's never around??". It was unfair and just a tad crazy.
SO...I decided that I'm an independent grown woman and there is nothing stopping me doing cool things alone. For some reason it didn't occur to me to ask if one of my friends wanted to come. I guess I was just wanting to spend this time with him. I called it my Beyonce moment!! hahaha.  As it turns out I got half way to said cool thing and decided I couldn't be bothered so got a Japanese curry and am just waiting for my bus as I type. 
Before the bf and I became serious I used to do everything by myself. I had zero qualms about doing any and everything that I wanted to do on my own terms and that's how I went into the relationship. It's kind of hilarious how much 6 months can change a person. I didn't want him to take up too much of my time or to be too intense about things. I kind of wanted a friend with benefits which is so hard to believe now. I've done an almost, but not quite 360 on the issue. Now I think of him before I make any plan and I want him around as much as I can get him... which sadly isn't very much. It's so hard to accept but I'm getting there. I don't know what the future holds but I do know that for now and in this moment I am actually in love. SO WEIRD.

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I completely embarrassed myself tonight by going against all of my principles and long held ideas and going into a jewelry shop to try on a diamond... by myself. 

I guess I am a total girl at the end of the day. 


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Romance is dead?

I was walking around downtown Auckland taking photos of the street art as I am want to do and came across this...
Photo: well thats not true ... the things you see on the side of buildings some times! LOL

It struck me as quite sad! I mean.. romance only exists in novels?? That's not true at all. Romance is everywhere. My perspective on this debate is that it's really a question of what you're picturing when you think 'romance'. If the only thing you can think of is 12 red roses and dinner that costs hundreds of dollars then yeah... maybe for you romance is dead. For me romance is going out of the way to take you to their favorite fish and chip shop. It's getting out of bed first to make a coffee and making sure that the coffee is nice and strong. Romance is sunset at the beach even if you have to drive to get there. It's buying groceries when you don't have much cash. It's fixing your i-pod and loading your computer with a bunch of cool stuff that makes it work faster and the internet way more fun than it's ever been. 

Finding romance is about taking your head out of the novels ( ... cant believe I just typed that!) and noticing what you actually have right in front of you. It's when someone thinks of you and does things to make your life easier and a little brighter just because...

Even if you take a partner out of the equation surely the flirty barista, the person who gives you their seat on the bus, the smell of freesias , playing with a puppy or reading a good book in the sunshine ( there it is!) all add a bit of something lovely to your life that could be called romance :)

Romance does not exist only in novels. Romance is EVERYWHERE


Monday, June 9, 2014

A sad week at the movies

In the last week or so I've been to two different movies and they've both been super sad! Normally I'd run the other way from all of this emotion but in the first movie I had no idea what I was getting into and in the second I knew exactly what I was getting but it was something I've been excited for for such a long time I grabbed my tissues and almost literally ran to the theater!! 

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Movie one is a micro-budget New Zealand movie. I thought the story telling and the movie stuff , like acting (and stuff) were pretty amazing. This story is honestly heartbreaking. As much as I usually go to the movies to be transported to a 'better', 'funnier', 'more beautiful' world there is really something so compelling about the dark side of reality. The movie centers around Tania who is working nights to try and raise enough money to take her little brother to Australia to find their dad. It's all going well and things are working out when reality hits. I love the way that they were able to infuse so much humor into such a terribly sad story without showing any disrespect to the characters and their situation. It was hard to form an articulate response to this movie because every part of the story is something that I have no experience with and very little knowledge of.  Though I did grow up just up the road from where they filmed it :) 

Fantail is something that we can all be proud of and I'd love to see what these guys could do with a budget! 

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The. Fault. In. Our. Stars... do I need to say anything else???

I have been looking forward to this movie for more than a year so I was so excited to finally get the chance to see it yesterday. I had my extra tissues so I felt prepared for what I knew was to come. I don't know what the problem really was but as much as this was an awesome adaptation of the movie, as much as the acting and scripts were great there was just something that didn't reach the same heights as the movie that played in my head while I read the book. I think perhaps I'm old and crotchety and have too high standards for movies?? I really liked this. I cried a bit and smiled in the smiley parts and honestly appreciated what I was watching but I didn't fall in love.


Monday, June 2, 2014

an awesome long weekend

Ahhh got to love a long weekend! ... of course being pretty much unemployed means that the public holidays mean next to nothing to me. I spent the weekend with Mr and it was really good even though we didn't do heaps. I have been loving listening to his old school LPs and hearing a bunch of different music played on that format. Could possibly be a real music snob hiding under my layers of love for Beyonce :P

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We listened to the Sound City album and then watched the movie. What a cool experience. I'm not into rock particularly but the documentary was really interesting and I actually did enjoy the music. After that we danced around the lounge to Dr Hook... LOL

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We went to a birthday party at Little Easy on Ponsonby Road. There was a tab which was a nice surprise and on the whole I loved this place. Great music, fab staff and a really cool vibe designed by Lovelace & co (I think)

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Mr lives close to a really good Op shop. He found a few amazing buys. A great jumper that looks amazing on him for $5! I didn't find anything except this creepy Ronald McDonald doll in the toy bin .... which I didn't buy LOLOL

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I've been reading this book over the weekend because Ariel Bissett who is one of my fave book-tubers recommended it so highly. I'm not quite done but at this point I must admit..."my name is Anita and I am loving a book about mermaids" HAHAHA

So there ya go. A weekend of hanging with my fave man and broadening my musical horizons. Drinking on a tab in a great bar, watching documentaries and just generally having a great, low key time. I wish I could do that every weekend!


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The best movie I've seen in a YEAR

I saw this awesome gem of a movie today. It's seriously the cutest and sweetest thing!!! I smiled so hard for most of it that my face was in PAIN but 3 hours later I was still smiling. This is just sooooo good. The story is about fathers and sons, it's about how the best way to be successful is to do something you love, it's about the power of social media and importantly it has a lot of food and a lot of awesome 'Cuban' music. The cast is so good. There are cameos and supporting appearances from a ton of big names such as Robert Downy Jr and Dustin Hoffman. The rest of the main cast is  made up of great actors with faces you know even if you don't know their names. 

I have to say that Scarlet Johansson made me want to run out and get a tattoo on my shoulder. Seriously..that woman is crazy hot. Actually the movie has some really good scenery. We have Miami and New Orleans that make you want to jump straight on a plane. There's Ms Johansson and Sophia Vergara and R.D.J and to be honest... the leading man is such a teddy bear! Eye candy galore.

GO.SEE.THIS.AWESOME.MOVIE :) or get it on dvd or netflix or something.


Saturday, May 24, 2014

The most relaxing day EVER

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This weekend I'm planning to be super productive and get myself back on track towards no longer failing at life. I have plans y'all :) On my to do list for the weekend is to read two books. I haven't really been reading much over the last few months and I miss it. I need that in my life. This is my selection for the weekend and it was so hard to decide which to jump into first but in the end I read 'Love letters to the dead' in one sitting pretty much today. OhMyGawd I have to agree with every You-Tuber who I've seen praising this book. It's so sad and so intense but the writing is AMAZING. It's really beautiful. Actually this reminds me a lot of Eleanor and Park.

Today I woke up at 6am (thanks brain but its Saturday!!!) so I tried really hard to go back to sleep but when that was a fail I just lay there day dreaming and watching you-tube clips on my phone. Finally I got out of bed around 11.

Then I ran up to the shops for some supplies and a coffee and when I got back it was time to turn on spotify and fall into a different world. As I mentioned I chose well :)

I took two breaks to do a workout inspired by blogilates from YouTube. I only did about 15 minutes and 8-10 minutes but let me tell you....Im'a feel that ish tomorrow! WOWZERS. It's all part of my getting my shizz together plan and I feel like I can fit that into everyday at least once. Tomorrow if it's not raining I plan to go for a walk instead. No point living at the beach and not making the most of it.

I didn't talk to anybody except the lovely girl who makes my coffee all day and while that would usually make me feel bored and lonely for some reason today all I feel is incredibly relaxed. It's been awesome and I reckon one more day will be brilliant. I think I'm going to jump into 'crash into you' tomorrow and I also have Pretty Little Liars and Hart of Dixie to watch. I cant wait :)

Hope your weekend is as awesome as mine.


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Pharrell Williams - Happy - We are from Auckland

I saw this on my facebook feed this morning. I'm quite over the song to be honest BUT this really made me smile. Check out my awesome city and the beautiful people who live here :)


Monday, May 19, 2014

And he hits it out of the park AGAIN :)

I had such an awesome Sunday this weekend. It made me feel so grateful to live in this lovely city and so lucky to have such a cool guy to share such fun times with and make me feel so special.

We began with a quick stop at a flash hotel to have a look at the view from the top. It was pure glamour and I tell you, I want to move in there :) Super beautiful. 

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Ahhhhh I love it. The building has a long history in Auckland and I have vague memories of coming to this room for morning tea with my dad when I was little and it was still used as a canteen type of place. It's much prettier now.

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I stopped into St Patricks to listen to the choir prepare for the service. I was a little disappointed (just a little though) to miss the service because from what I could tell the male choir leader was singing and his voice is just so amazing!  I lit a candle for my flat mate and all my hopes and dreams before I left.

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After the hotel we went down to the seafood market at Wynyard quarter and absolutely destroyed our seafood platter for two and also a bit more beer than was probably good for us. It was fantastic and eating like that really lead to a great vibe. We were sharing and just going slow and enjoying the beautiful food. I love that restaurant and after chatting with the manager it sounds like there are some exciting things on the horizon for it that will mean it's going to be a top choice all year round and not just in summer like it is now. If you're ever in Auckland and looking for a great place to eat ... look no further.

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HEHEHE this is how good the sauce on the muscles was. mmmmmmm He actually just beat  me to it. I would totally have had a go at the bucket if I thought of it first, I mean there weren't that many people around... 

Stolen from Mr's facebook.. I stopped taking photos by the time we got here :)

After spending hours and hours eating and drinking and sneaking in to watch the Warriors play on the big screen in the wine theater we strolled up to Ichiban Japanese restaurant on Albert street. It's a teeny little place with a whole wall of fun manga to look at while you eat. I have never quite got my head around graphics ( I know I suck) but these were really cool to flip through because they were all in Japanese. It just enforced my feeling that the best thing to decorate with is books!! I have no idea how we had room for any more food but I have to say that my curry went down very well indeed :)  I still prefer Ramen-Daikoku in Britomart for cheap Japanese but this was fun and absolutely value for money.

So. Awesome city + Awesome boy = Extremely happy me :)


Friday, May 16, 2014

The GOOD with the BAD

***Long random sorta post ahead***

Things in my neck of the world have been a bit of a whirlwind over the last 6 weeks or so. It's so hard not to be all 'poor me' but there have been so many fantastic things that I have loved during this time that if I do dip my toe into the quick sand just thinking about them is enough to pull me out.

At the end of march my flatmate passed away. She didn't just pass away she had an accident here at home and I had to call the ambulance and it was a pretty nasty situation. I didn't think she would pass away that night but it was still so scary. Even now, all these weeks later it's still a little hard to actually fathom that she died. After a life of having these types of accidents and not dying ... she died. Hmmm. It's impossible to get my head around and it's so easy to say all the right things and of course the brain knows, logically that things couldn't have been different but generally speaking when things happen the heart is more powerful than the head. 

During the month I've had disappointment after disappointment on the job front and the resurgence of an injury that I just didn't think was ever going to be a problem again but which has meant that I've had to turn down work which always sucks. My finances are so stressful and past choices are making it hard right now. Of course it will all be better when I have an income!

So there's all of that and while I'm adjusting to looking for a new job and a new place to live I have had some major first world problems that have simply added together to make life so frustrating and kinda sorta like I'm constantly walking through gel ... or something. 

Today is the last day in my 100 happy days project. Looking back through the last month or so of pictures has really made me realise how incredibly lucky I am. If I were religiously inclined, which I'm not, I would say I were blessed. 

My friends and family have, on several situations helped me to have some amazing and fun times. Two nights after my flatmate went to hospital Mr left me speechless and just a wee bit in awe of him when he gave me a private tour of the civic and then a little later a crazy fun night in that had me wearing his clothes plus fairy wings and a crown and dancing around the house with his flatmate :)

I got to go to a hot air balloon show ( ?) which was really amazing. I've actually spent a ton of time with my sister and nephew in the last little while and I've really enjoyed it though having a 16 month old staying with me in my totally not child friendly house was freaking exhausting!. 

I finally had the graduation ceremony for my Graduate Diploma in Teaching. It was such a surprise to me but the day was super special and really enjoyable. I loved participating and I'm so glad that I went along. This ceremony was so much better than my graduation from my degree :)

My mom has been really supportive in lots of ways but she worked really hard to make it possible for me to have a dinner party for 8 of my friends. This is actually a bigger deal than it sounds and I had a fantastic time. The party was to celebrate my birthday and my graduation and my friend getting a job and also the fact that I thought I was going to be leaving this hood. 

Today I went for a long walk and I realised anew that this neighbour hood is spectacular and I am very lucky to live here. It's so great to live at the beach. Every day it's a little different and while it looks awesome it often also smells pretty great which is something that I love. 

So yeah. Things might be a little hard right now and while I'm prone to over thinking and being a drama queen I have an amazing life that is only going to get better. I am going to keep on keeping on and keep making plans and dreaming dreams because THATS how things get better. I will keep trying to reach my ideals and then when I do I will find new ones. I just need to take a breath and chill out sometimes.

Monday, May 12, 2014

We're FaceBook Official...

terrible photo that I love #1 

It was my birthday yesterday and this guy busts out with "we should change our status on face book" .... LOL it was so funny. He was really cute about it and now we're "Facebook official". It's the funniest thing to be honest. I hadn't really thought about the idea of making any sort of announcement. I was just happy to do our thing. "Hi face book friends...I really like this guy and we hang out a lot".. hahahahahaha I felt like such a weirdo.

Since we changed the status it's been such an eye opener for me and really sweet. I guess I'm a cynical cow because obviously the rest of the world thinks new relationships are way more special than I do. Well, let me explain that.... I'm very happy with this new's pretty damn awesome but I just hadn't anticipated that anybody else would give a damn.

The comments on his status especially have been pretty overwhelming. I feel like I just announced that I'm engaged or pregnant or something. He has so many responses and all of them so sweet. 

One of the comments talks about how important validation from people who care about us and whom we care about is. The person who left the comment was basically trying to say that no man is an island and ... you know... people need people! I completely agree with his sentiments and it did make me feel slightly less of a Muppet for announcing my life in that way. Yes it might be a little bit naff but to see all of that love from so many people really does make the whole thing a little bit more special. Their happiness for us just adds an extra bit of sparkle :)

terrible photo I love #2

I am feeling very lucky. I have a very special man who is proud to tell everybody he knows that I'm important to him! How cool is that!!!! 

So, yeah, YAY ME :-)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Can we just talk about Chaos Walking for a second?

I recently posted a completely inarticulate rave about "The Knife of never letting go" but I'm now reading "The ask and the answer" and I just had to write about the Chaos Walking series.. THEY.ARE.SO.GOOD... SO GOOD!!

I've never read anything Sci-Fi before and these ones are pulling me in so deeply. It's such a grim and disturbing plot and yet they're still so hopeful. I don't know too much of the plot and I haven't researched them at all but I'm so curious to see what happens. I have no idea AT ALL where the story is going or what's going to happen to Todd and Viola and very weirdly I love it. The writing is so fresh and  absorbing and even in the harshest moments Todd's innocence and pure heart shine through.

I wish so badly that I knew a young teen to pass my books on to. These are so awesome that I don't want to be the only person I know who has read them!  

If you're looking for something absorbing and fast paced that will leave you breathless and turning the pages as fast as you can then this is the series for you. 10/10


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Hashtag Fail

I have failed. This year the A -Z in April has just not worked out very well at all. I had good intentions but nothing has worked out very well. So much has happened this month, so many things I would like to write about that have taken my time and mental realestate. I havent kept up because the things I want to write about just dont fit the challenge.

So...there ya go. Good luck to you all who have done better than I have and I will hopefully get a few minutes to visit you sometime soon.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

M is fooooorrrrrr My superpower :)

It's really strange but I do believe that everybody has a superpower in life. I'm not talking flying or being invisible type of superpowers but just something that happens day to day that is kinda cool and something that makes your life a little easier or brighter. 

I have a superpower that works really well in the lines of work I have found myself in.  People will go out of their way not to be mean to me or offend me in any way. It's almost comical to watch it happen live.

I remember the perfect example from my days as a Librarian. It was a super busy day and I was working the issues desk. It's one of those situations where you expect difficult people and to have to spin a bit of a tale and really do your best as far as customer service goes. On this day not one but three different customers came to me, got their books issued and then waited for the other person on the desk with me to be free in order to have a go at her!!!! 

I was more than able to fix any problem that they might have had and was probably in a better position to do it than my colleague and yet nobody would complain to me. 

While I was at the library I also had people make super human efforts to apologise to me for being rude! SERIOUSLY!!! when does that EVER happen in customer service that somebody not only apologises but makes an effort to do so?

I don't quite know if people think I'm particularly fragile (I'm not) or what their issue is but on the whole people refrain from being horrible to me! 

It's a funny sort of super power but considering the work I do I LOVE it!


L is for Laughing (aka boys are funny)

Monday, April 14, 2014

K is for (The) Knife of never letting go

This is a bit of a cheat but OHMYGAWSH I just finished this book yesterday and ... ARGH SO GOOD!!! This is the same book that I have a picture of in the "b is for buying books" post and wowowowow did I make a good choice. This is amazing and I can't come close to articulating how much I wish I had a 14-16 year old that I could pass it on to. I don't even know how to explain how good this book is. It's a horrible plot in so much as the characters suffer so much but the story is so amazingly compelling. I am not usually a sci-fi kinda gal but this won me before I was half way through the first chapter. It's exciting and really really hard to put down!



J is for Jammies

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It's almost Easter and in my family that means NEW JAMMIES :-) We've not done the whole chocolate egg thing for ages and ages instead each year we get a new pair....or two, of pajamas. This year I decided to go for just some pants as I usually just wear random singlets and tee-shirts instead of the long sleeve jackets. My family has very few traditions but I love the ones we do have :)


Saturday, April 12, 2014

I is for Inukshuk

Google Images

This ladies and gents is an Inukshuk. They are a symbol that I saw over and over when I was in Canada and I liked them so much I got one inked on my hip :) They were traditionally used by the First Nations hunters to indicate the presence of buffalo. They mean welcome and leadership and friendship. As with many cultural symbols that have been appropriated into mainstream usage the meaning has evolved and you can find any number of different definitions. I saw them outside coffee houses, on mountain tops, in peoples gardens and everywhere in between. To me they represent not only all of those things but also the best year (so far) of my life. I think I probably need to start a collection of them but for that I will need to return to Canada I guess... bummer! LOL :-P


H is for (One) Hundred Happy Days

I have managed to get quite far behind haven't I! well I'm going to try catching up :) Today (aka Tuesday) is H is for (one) hundred happy days. I've been working on this project on Instagram and today happens to be day 66. I cant believe that I've managed to keep it up for so long. The idea is that you take a moment each day to recognise the things that make you happy, take a photo and then post it on social media with the hash tag #100happydays so the world can see what's making your day. Today for 'H' I thought I would post some of my fave pics so far :)

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I've found that there are a lot of pics of my nephew and also my best friends baby. I have a few coffee and alcohol variations and then a bunch of nature and time with my friends. A few out of the box like 'Balloons over Waikato' and the Brian McKnight concert but it's pretty much the basics which are some of the best things in life I reckon :)


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

G is for 'GO'

It's kinda strange but I find this Visa ad quite inspiring. How simple just 'GO'. Do it, Jump, Play, Yes, Dance, Explore, Kiss GO

I'm thinking that it would actually make a great tattoo if I could ever decide on font and placement LOL


Sunday, April 6, 2014

F is for 'Falling for you' (Mr pt 2)

***I'm gonna go ahead and post two in one day today since I don't think I'm going to have the energy tomorrow. There is stuff!! This is also a Sunday when no posting is supposed to be happening but I will stop till Tuesday and then all will be right with the world ***

I decided for this post to be super honest and  take it personal... waaaay personal. Why not right?? Today a letter to Mr... (who we first met here)

Dear Mr

You're kind of amazing. You are also kind of annoying and I sometimes want to punch you in the face but ever since we've had the chance to hang out properly I have found myself, much to my dismay, really and seriously falling for you

I haven't told you this and right now I'm really focusing on not letting it fall out of my mouth. I really have no idea how to say it or really exactly what I even want to say so let the random stream of consciousness begin ! 

When we're together it's the most natural thing in the world. I am so damn comfortable with you and I love the way you look after me. As I always tell you, you're so smart and you have such cool stories, I am endlessly entertained and fascinated by you. You are so good at doing little things that I always notice and which always make me smile. I don't know if you know you're even doing them or the value I really place on them though. I guess I should probably tell you things like that shouldn't I?  :)

I like that we're so different and yet we get on so well. It's cool for our worlds to collide and I hope they begin to collide more and more.  I am falling hard for you but we're not there yet. I want the chance to be able to make you as happy as you make me and I don't know how to do it yet. There's a lot more to learn. 

I'm falling for you fast. Someone like you is a totally new experience for me and I like it. I don't want to tell you this yet because it feels like we have a lot of adapting to each other and each others lives to do before my cynical and overly analytic brain can accept it as real. I am beginning to learn that sometimes it's good to lead with your heart instead of your head but it's not easy to change the habits of a life time.

I promise to be as patient as I can with you if you do the same for me. I want to be careful not to change you and I don't plan to change who I am either but when we get to the point that we can evolve in little ways together and find real, mutually satisfying compromises then that will be the time that I can and will confidently tell you that I love you. Until then it will be a secret that I just share with the internet ok? :-P


E is for Ear Candy

*** I had this post all good to go yesterday (Saturday) so that I could just upload it as I knew I'd be out most of the day but know.. life. So this morning (SUnday) I'm going to fix my first fail of the month :)

I started with the PussyCat Dolls as my perfect example of pure ear candy but on this sunny morning I just have to add what I'm currently listening to. A vaguely related but really totally different genre but still simple, easy listening ear candy!!

***and now back to our regular - pre-scheduled programming***

Ear Candy... !!!

I love this song. It's the perfect definition of perfect POP :)

I say lock the pussycats in a room and don't let them out till they make more!  

Friday, April 4, 2014

D is for... David Beckham

I just re-posted this picture on my face book page from one of my fave Kiwis Polly Gillespie. She was asking incidentally if he's better with or with out the art and I absolutely have to say WITH. It's so weird but the dude I've been dating a little didn't seem to like the picture... 




Thursday, April 3, 2014

C is for Charming Country Boys

I live in New Zealand where Country music and Death Metal are about as popular as each other. I think One Direction are much more likely to get to the top of the charts than any Country artist. I've always been a little bit of a sucker for it but I really fell pretty hard for Country music when I spent a year in Alberta Canada. I kind of think it's the law there that everybody owns at least one country CD and has a stetson somewhere in the garage :)

I first heard Toby Keith and Carrie Underwood and Trace Adkins. I love the way that the music tells stories and combines real musicianship with all the fun and light heartedness of pop music. I know that the purists don't put much stock in most of the 'country' that's popular these days but you're always going to get your music snobs right?

Last night I was really bored ( have you seen television recently??) so was trawling You Tube and enjoying some country boys. I really noticed something...

Country music videos and more specifically Country BOYS are so charming! What is it about these boys? They're not all super good looking but when they start drawling through some of these super sweet songs and telling these stories ... Well ... hmmm what was I saying again?? LOL

I used two from Mr Shelton because I couldn't embed the best example of this phenomenon that I've found recently which is Luke Bryan's 'Crash My Party'. Now there's a charming man singing a charming song LOL

Now I must get off You Tube and be productive but ... maybe one more? hahaha
