
Friday, July 25, 2014

This is not what I sat down here to write!

At the start of the week I heard about a cool thing that was happening tonight and I asked my boyfriend if he was free to come with me. when he said he was working I kind of lost it a little bit. Several minutes of swearing and being REALLY mad ensued. It's not his fault he happened to be working on the one random night I wanted to do something but I felt so disappointed and all sorts of " what's the point of having a bf if he's never around??". It was unfair and just a tad crazy.
SO...I decided that I'm an independent grown woman and there is nothing stopping me doing cool things alone. For some reason it didn't occur to me to ask if one of my friends wanted to come. I guess I was just wanting to spend this time with him. I called it my Beyonce moment!! hahaha.  As it turns out I got half way to said cool thing and decided I couldn't be bothered so got a Japanese curry and am just waiting for my bus as I type. 
Before the bf and I became serious I used to do everything by myself. I had zero qualms about doing any and everything that I wanted to do on my own terms and that's how I went into the relationship. It's kind of hilarious how much 6 months can change a person. I didn't want him to take up too much of my time or to be too intense about things. I kind of wanted a friend with benefits which is so hard to believe now. I've done an almost, but not quite 360 on the issue. Now I think of him before I make any plan and I want him around as much as I can get him... which sadly isn't very much. It's so hard to accept but I'm getting there. I don't know what the future holds but I do know that for now and in this moment I am actually in love. SO WEIRD.

Displaying 2014-07-05 13.09.23-1.jpg 

I completely embarrassed myself tonight by going against all of my principles and long held ideas and going into a jewelry shop to try on a diamond... by myself. 

I guess I am a total girl at the end of the day. 


Sunday, July 20, 2014

Romance is dead?

I was walking around downtown Auckland taking photos of the street art as I am want to do and came across this...
Photo: well thats not true ... the things you see on the side of buildings some times! LOL

It struck me as quite sad! I mean.. romance only exists in novels?? That's not true at all. Romance is everywhere. My perspective on this debate is that it's really a question of what you're picturing when you think 'romance'. If the only thing you can think of is 12 red roses and dinner that costs hundreds of dollars then yeah... maybe for you romance is dead. For me romance is going out of the way to take you to their favorite fish and chip shop. It's getting out of bed first to make a coffee and making sure that the coffee is nice and strong. Romance is sunset at the beach even if you have to drive to get there. It's buying groceries when you don't have much cash. It's fixing your i-pod and loading your computer with a bunch of cool stuff that makes it work faster and the internet way more fun than it's ever been. 

Finding romance is about taking your head out of the novels ( ... cant believe I just typed that!) and noticing what you actually have right in front of you. It's when someone thinks of you and does things to make your life easier and a little brighter just because...

Even if you take a partner out of the equation surely the flirty barista, the person who gives you their seat on the bus, the smell of freesias , playing with a puppy or reading a good book in the sunshine ( there it is!) all add a bit of something lovely to your life that could be called romance :)

Romance does not exist only in novels. Romance is EVERYWHERE
