
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Day 3

Today is day 3 of my man flu. Luckily I am improving but gees it's impossible to do anything of a vertical nature for more than a few minutes without becoming so exhausted that I can hardly keep my eyes open. Off course I am also unable to sleep when I do put my head down so.. BRAIN MELT!!

It's amazing weather for staying in bed and cuddling up with some tea and a book so that's what I'm about to do even though my brain wants to sleep... like seriously I am having such trouble focusing and thinking and stuff. OMG I am so sick of this!! GRRR

Anyhow, I have my green tea, I have the best blanket ever, I have some mallowpuffs for good measure and am going to dive back into 'Clockwork Angel'. I'm about a quarter of the way in and so far I love it. Hopefully I wont have to re-read everything I read this afternoon. 

And then 'Heart of Dixie' is on this evening so ... sweet! 


Saturday, August 24, 2013

Man flu and a cool book haul

The last couple of days have been full of Social Studies essay writing and being sick! ARGH I hardly ever get sick. I generally get a head cold or two per year but that hardly counts. This time I have actually been forced into bed! OMG this really sucks ... (shockingly hahahaha) I think as much as anything this is the one time when being a single person with no car is hard to deal with. I want somebody to bring me stuff and cook me food! I'm too dizzy to walk up the road to the supermarket and then be trusted with the heat required to cook. UGH. Oh well I will stay on this bed and hopefully the world will stop spinning by this afternoon and then if I stay a little longer hopefully I will be able to walk down to the Library tomorrow because I have a CD that is a few days overdue and racking up fines like a mofo!

In the last couple of days, whilst writing that essay I discovered my uni library! .. yes with about 6 weeks of classes left I have discovered all of the resources available but what eves. The first thing that rocked my world (apart from the man flu...) was working on a huge desk top computer. Gosh it was awesome to write on a big screen on a comfy chair instead of a lap top. Might have to think about that when I get a job next year. In the computer lab they have this awesome piece of art. It's done with glitter which doesn't show up particularly well but WOW it's perfect. I really love this piece :)

The other thing that I discovered at the Library was an amazing .. AMAZING selection of YA novels. OhMyGAWSH they have all of the new and popular novels. I picked up a bunch of books that I am currently about 20th to 40th in line for at the public library. Seriously wish that I'd looked a bit further when printing off my assignment cover sheets earlier in the year.

I've decided to give David Levithan a final chance with these two books. I seem to have gone from completely loving his stuff almost 'meh' in the space of 3 books. With the Mortal Instruments movie just released I was going to read that series but so many book-tubers have said that the Infernal Devices series is better so I'm starting there. I've just started following Maureen Johnson on twitter and she's so funny so I thought I would look up some of her work. I was so surprised to realise that I have actually already read several of her novels so I grabbed this one as I enjoyed 13 little blue envelopes from memory. 'Holes' is simply my first foray into books suitable for primary age kids and 'The boyfriend list' is one that is beloved by my fave book bloggers ....and it was yep. I have actually had 'The Golden Lily' in the past and never got to read it so hopefully this will be my opportunity. I mainly picked it up because I really enjoyed the Vampire Academy books.

The Uni Library is now my favorite thing! Not only all of the above awesomeness but also a set of L.M.Montgomery books from 1938 which is only 3 years after the original publication date of some of them! ... I know its a weird thing to get excited about BUT ... they're old!!! 

The other thing that happened yesterday was that my nephew came to visit! YAY! Love hanging out with him. I really hope that I didn't pass on my bug to him. I was going to refrain from picking him up but that's impossible so I just tried to stay away from his head ... I know I know I'm a horrible germ bag :( anyhow he's got teeth!! he looks so different with his two front teeth poking through. It was really weird to begin with but then I stopped noticing them. He's also crawling like a champ and pulling himself up on stuff. I think it's about time that all of this growing and learning new things stopped!! hahahaha  :-P   

Monday, August 19, 2013

I'm astounded by the lunacy

Today I skipped a couple of lectures to spend the day in the public Library working on my Social Studies essay. I know! I know! never going to do well if I skip classes but ... well ... I still feel like I got hit by a truck AND I was super productive so .. yeah what eves :-P

On my way down to the bus I thought I might try to spend my bookshop gift card. WOAH!! I still have the card because everything is so damn expensive that I couldn't find anything worth parting with the possibility of the card. How is it possible that a YA novel can cost $22??? I mean they were even asking that for a copy of "Diary of a wimpy kid" .. not that I would ever buy that crap but still... that one is for little kids. SERIOUSLY? $22 for a tiny little childrens book? ARE YOU KIDDING Whitcouls ?? It really explains why nobody buys books anymore and bookshops are closing down left and right. It's really sad but I guess it means that Libraries will be able to pick up some extra business and people will continue to knock down the door of big book sales. 
SAD :(

The second rant of the day is going out to television in New Zealand. It's beyond pathetic the amount of cheap and nasty reality shows we have. Tonight I saw a teaser for possibly the worst one EVER.. " Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners". Yep it looks like they're sending in the O.C.D people to sort out the hoarders. There are no words! 
I guess it's a good advert for bookshops... oh.. well .. hopefully the Libraries are profiting from whatever the hell our excuse from television is called. 

OK breathing through it
Being Zen

Sunday, August 18, 2013

This weekend kicked my butt!

WoWZERS It's been a hell of a weekend. I'm sore from my nose down! hahahaha :P

Luckily it's all in the name of heaps of fun. On Saturday night I went to my friends first ever public performance with her ukulele group $4.30. It was more about having fun and supporting my friend than really expecting them to be perfect musicians but guess what... win on all fronts :)

While nobody is ever perfect I actually think they did really well with the music part of it. Go Them :) The 'gig' was on K rd which is a super cool but kinda ... OK.. really dodgy part of town. I don't normally go up there and I don't think I've EVER been at night but I was with my friend and we were really early on in the night so it was all good. He and I had a few drinks in a couple of places and took a few photos of the sights as we are want to do. The people watching was great!

So today, after one drink too many and about 3 hours sleep to few I got up early to go and be an acid green shirt wearing volunteer at the Story Lines festival at the Aotea Center.  This year is the 20th anniversary of the festival so it's a bit special. I was with the face painting team and to be honest I absolutely couldn't tell you if there were 5 or 50,000 people in to the event. My GOSH it was intense. Little face after little face, all the concentrating and trying to make shy little kids talk. Doesn't sound like a crazy hard kinda deal but WHEW it was draining. I am physically in PAIN and I SAT DOWN for most of the day hahahahhahah :P

There ya have it. Sweet weekend :)

It was so cool to see my friend stepping out of her comfort zone to perform in public. I am really inspired by her! It was also super cool to hang out with the friend that came to the show with me. He's probably  not someone that I could have introduced to my Grandfather but he's so sweet to me and really cute so I guess I will keep him around ;-) Lucky he doesn't live in this city so it's not even an issue. It was great to be a small part of what I assume was a fantastic festival devoted to stories! How cool is that? Now I am going to have to fight myself to stay awake till a decent hour to make sure that I'm not awake half the night. Tomorrow is devoted to my social studies essay. There WILL be a kick ass draft before I get on that bus to come home.

Happy Monday! 
mmm yeah

Friday, August 16, 2013

It's raining it's pouring...

It's been a little while since I've written a post actually about anything. My problem is that .. actually there is so much to write about! I've been reading and trying new things and enjoying what the lovely Auckland has to offer and at the same time going to university, doing assignments and being present with the kids in the school I'm doing my practicum in.  

I went to the film festival and saw some great documentaries in some of my favorite cinemas in the city. I cant help but take a ton of pictures when I'm in the Civic. It's just so beautiful :) The festival was really cool and I'm already looking forward to next year!

I've been spending so much time in the Library and feeling really inspired by books. After my aunts funeral my uncle sent me a book voucher to say thanks for giving a eulogy. While that in itself was all sorts of awkward I do love having a book voucher to spend. It's almost a responsibility LOL. I never waste a book voucher. It requires research and consideration and I will definitely make sure I get the right book with it. Actually this lead to a cool little encounter. I was chatting with the sales assistant in the shop on one of my intel gathering trips and she said to me ".. can I just ask.. are you a nerdfighter??" LOVE IT :) she was the first person I've ever met who knew what that meant. AWESOME 

I ended up working in a pub to get one of my assignments finished hahaha. I am so classy sometimes but seriously that place was super conducive to working and I only had one beer to keep my wedges company so no harm no foul ... right?

My friend and I tried out Ugly Bagels at the city works depot. Absolutely worth all the hype. Not great for sitting and enjoying but that's just because they're so busy and I guess they cant be blamed for that :)  The Karma Cola was such a novelty. I still have the bottle to use as a vase because I just love the design. Of course the cola was also nice.

I'd love to write about things like the New Zealand edition of Iheart radio, or meeting a boy on the perfect end of the spectrum who is just very sadly not ready to be with anybody :( - or how one guy actually called me scary last night!! SERIOUSLY hahahahahhaahahahaha  I could write about university and how I have major struggles with not going postal on most of the student body who will just NOT SHUT UP when in lectures... or the way that our current weather is freakin me out man!  or even how I am so tempted to vote for Dave in our local body elections. He is NOT the right person for the job but he's such a local personality and at least I see him every day and he knows how to spell some really hard words .. (hehehe) The problem is that none of these directions are really how this blog was intended to go. I will have to think a bit about it because I actually like writing about that sort of stuff.

This weekend I am doing awesome stuff!! Tomorrow night I'm going to my friends ukulele concert. I'm very excited about that. on Sunday I'm painting faces at the Story Lines festival. YAY meeeeee :) So hopefully I will be more in the mood to write about those experiences. 

Well happy weekend!


Monday, August 12, 2013

I'm such a wimp

Today I was wandering around Twitter as you do and @Auckland_Libs tweeted about an event which is happening tomorrow. It's a panel discussion about censorship in NewZealand literature. It sounds A-MAY-ZING!!

The problem is that it's being held in a gallery in town which is pretty cutting edge by the looks of it and I am way to intimidated to go by myself! LOL. It's going to be dark and the people there will be all cool and intellectual and stuff. It's way to stressful. Seriously.

The blog from one of the key contributors can be found here "Tuesdays at method and manners"

I wish I could cowboy up for this one! hmm maybe I'll see how I feel after school finishes tomorrow. 

WWBD?? -Beyonce would suck it up and head into the gallery like she owned it of course....


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

You know you're a dork ...

You know you're a big fat dork when you have to force yourself to go to university instead of running up and being first in line when they open the Library doors in the morning. You really know you're a dork when you sit down in McDonald's with your Latte , your raspberry macaroon and your new Library book and end up loosing 2 hours of your life.... 

or so I hear. 


Monday, August 5, 2013

Apparently you cant go back..

I've been thinking a bit lately about people that I used to know.... well two or three of them specifically. I am such a nosy nelly that I just want to know what happened to them. I want to know what their life is like and that they are doing stuff that makes them happy. I'm just interested I guess. There are very few people that I've lost contact with and never want to hear from again. I am certainly not one for grudges and I guess if people get in my life it's because I like them and if I like them I will always like them despite life happening :)

It's such a bummer that my inquiries have come to nil :( I have sent emails and asked mutual friends and know absolutely nothing more than I did before I started. I guess one of them is a guy I used to ... well.. know? Hahahaha so I was probably reaching there but STILL???? There is nothing so frustrating as failing to have your curiosity satisfied!!!


Thursday, August 1, 2013

I left class with a bunch of inspiration today

Photo: How to amuse & delight a grown woman. Task her with creating a badge that represents her.. :) an actual win for uni today!

So how do you delight and amuse a grown woman? Task her with creating a badge that represents her. This was a total win for our Technology teacher today. The pink and yellow lines represent my childish girly side as well as my love of uniformity and routine. The stars are my dreamer side and also my love of shiny things. The books are more obvious... I like books! hahahahaha

I left class feeling light and positive which is an AMAZING change :)

I am currently full of motivation and inspiration about getting my stuff together and what I would like to create for the future. I started thinking about how I was going to put my resume together for the end of the year and also how I'm going to go about giving up some of the things I love love love ( coffee and coke I'm looking at you) in order to finally get my health under control.

Aside from that I have also made peace with my overly busy mind regarding a friend of mine that I have been spending a lot of time talking to recently. He's so different from me and there are a ton of real reasons why having him in my life is a bad idea BUT I have decided that it's not often that you meet someone who you get along with so well and if something is fun why analyse the life out of it. Just relax and see what happens.

I am going to focus on why I CAN do things rather than why I cant and I am going to simply enjoy what happens and take every opportunity that I come across. After all. That's what Beyonce would do!
