
Friday, August 16, 2013

It's raining it's pouring...

It's been a little while since I've written a post actually about anything. My problem is that .. actually there is so much to write about! I've been reading and trying new things and enjoying what the lovely Auckland has to offer and at the same time going to university, doing assignments and being present with the kids in the school I'm doing my practicum in.  

I went to the film festival and saw some great documentaries in some of my favorite cinemas in the city. I cant help but take a ton of pictures when I'm in the Civic. It's just so beautiful :) The festival was really cool and I'm already looking forward to next year!

I've been spending so much time in the Library and feeling really inspired by books. After my aunts funeral my uncle sent me a book voucher to say thanks for giving a eulogy. While that in itself was all sorts of awkward I do love having a book voucher to spend. It's almost a responsibility LOL. I never waste a book voucher. It requires research and consideration and I will definitely make sure I get the right book with it. Actually this lead to a cool little encounter. I was chatting with the sales assistant in the shop on one of my intel gathering trips and she said to me ".. can I just ask.. are you a nerdfighter??" LOVE IT :) she was the first person I've ever met who knew what that meant. AWESOME 

I ended up working in a pub to get one of my assignments finished hahaha. I am so classy sometimes but seriously that place was super conducive to working and I only had one beer to keep my wedges company so no harm no foul ... right?

My friend and I tried out Ugly Bagels at the city works depot. Absolutely worth all the hype. Not great for sitting and enjoying but that's just because they're so busy and I guess they cant be blamed for that :)  The Karma Cola was such a novelty. I still have the bottle to use as a vase because I just love the design. Of course the cola was also nice.

I'd love to write about things like the New Zealand edition of Iheart radio, or meeting a boy on the perfect end of the spectrum who is just very sadly not ready to be with anybody :( - or how one guy actually called me scary last night!! SERIOUSLY hahahahahhaahahahaha  I could write about university and how I have major struggles with not going postal on most of the student body who will just NOT SHUT UP when in lectures... or the way that our current weather is freakin me out man!  or even how I am so tempted to vote for Dave in our local body elections. He is NOT the right person for the job but he's such a local personality and at least I see him every day and he knows how to spell some really hard words .. (hehehe) The problem is that none of these directions are really how this blog was intended to go. I will have to think a bit about it because I actually like writing about that sort of stuff.

This weekend I am doing awesome stuff!! Tomorrow night I'm going to my friends ukulele concert. I'm very excited about that. on Sunday I'm painting faces at the Story Lines festival. YAY meeeeee :) So hopefully I will be more in the mood to write about those experiences. 

Well happy weekend!


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