
Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm dangerous with free time ;)

Today is the first day of my mid-semester "holiday". Of course the quotes allude to the fact that I may technically may be on holiday but there are a number of assignments due over the next two weeks. I guess it's great practice for teaching 'holidays' which would be perhaps better termed 'non-contact' times in a 365 type job.  Anyhow I digress
This afternoon, after finishing my book, I wandered up to the supermarket and the result is a 3 course dinner. The first course involves Hummus and Vodka and the 3rd stewed fijoas and apples with whipped coconut cream. Sadly my coconut cream didn't whip. Perhaps I would have had more luck with the correct kitchen appliance. Oh well on the plus side my hands smell like coconut :)
No worries :) I'm thinking it's going to be delicious regardless of the runny cream. I think I shall enjoy course one and dance along to Mr Josh Turner for a while. Nothing like some Vodka and a sexy country crooner.
Happy Monday!
Viva La Vacation ... or something LOL :P

True That!!

Just one more reason I am so proud to be a Kiwi :)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Happy Place right now

This rather uninspiring photo shows my new happy place... The teen area at the Library suits me so well. It's such a plain sort of area just a wall of shelves some speakers, some bean bags, comfy chairs and a big screen.  When this photo was taken fall out boy were on the screen and I was on a bean bag. The most relaxing time of the whole week!

Marriage Equality for New Zealand

Photo: Tonight we made history together and Marriage Equality happen.

We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you all so much.

2013: The year of Marriage Equality.
I am so proud that we now have equality in my country.  It doesnt effect my life in the slightest way but I must say that it's just that little bit sweeter to live in a country that respects the rights of every person to love the way they choose to.
Way to go New Zealand

Monday, April 15, 2013

Great words

On a cold day

On a cold day, well .. cold is a relative term but on a less than summery day such as today there is  no luxury like a deep HOT bath with flash bath salts from the dead sea.  All of my muscles are so relaxed and I'm warm from the inside out. So lovely :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013


This afternoon I officially closed off my 2012-2013 NBL season. Heheheh that makes me laugh. When ever somebody says 'congradulations' or 'you must be proud' I just think... Oh yes I worked so hard.. LOL
To be honest I am proud. This is really a lovely group of young men. The sort of boys that every mother wants for their daughter :)  Just to take it to a shallow level for a second though I have to say that I was so shocked at how physically small they all are. I've been pretty close to the court and the Breakers have always seemed like giants buuuuttt... not so much! many of them are not a lot taller than me! Mind = Blown!!!  I guess that explains the way they always seem to be working so much harder than the other teams.
This event was a meet and greet for the fans. I guess around 2-3 hundred people were there. I really wanted to get a picture with some of the team but I didn't think it would be classy to elbow a child out of the way so I lowered my standards and had a pic with the mascot. I always find mascots a little creepy but it's kind of a special occasion.... 

Have to say though that I hope Breakers days actually fall on hair washing days occasionally next season!

Thanks team for working your butts off and putting on an awesome show every time and representing your selves and your fans so amazingly. Cant wait to do it all again.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Dating in the little country

It's great living in the biggest city in the country. I am loving how my young city is growing up and becoming more and more sophisticated. There are so many things to do these days. Dating in the city is also something that's becoming easier and easier.
I recently went out with a really cool guy. We had a fantastic, reasonably intelligent conversation and a great debate about what we like in the leader of the country. It was a refreshing change from the jerks I've been coming across.  Unfortunately we just weren't a good match but I still felt like I was winning after such a fun dinner. The next day he decided he wanted to set me up with his friend!
It was so awkward but I was intrigued. I've been txt-chatting with 'the friend' for a few days and it turns out that he actually is a really nice guy! YAY
Looks like we're going to actually meet up next weekend and I think I'm actually looking forward to it.

True That

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So Proud!!

Third time Champs the Sky City Breakers!!!
They Rocked my summer :)

True that

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Mr Penumbra's 24 Hour Bookstore

I LOVE this book.
Seriously it made me smile and nod in agreement and really really want to share.I could write a super long review of all the ways this book is awesome but I wont do that I will simply say that if you like smart books that are a little quirky and most of all if you are a book lover then you need to read this book!
10/10 * 5 stars* 2 thumbs UP.

The best summer ever