
Monday, September 30, 2013

When there's nothing to read...

I was wandering around the Library this afternoon and I was just in the type of mood when NOTHING was taking my fancy. I hate those days when you walk in and there is NOTHING to read in the whole Library :P
I guess I was feeling like I wanted to read a book that I could relate to. 'I' am not in any books because my life is so average and normal. I don't have great struggle or great luxury. I don't have great happiness or unhappiness I'm just there in the middle. Probably not the stuff that a blockbuster is made of. Aaaaand yet I'd really like to find myself in the pages of one of the books I read. A character that I can actually really relate to.
Perhaps I need to write my own novel. A story about a mid-30s single gal in the city. She's working towards a career after years of floating along. Not much really happens but she has her stuff. The frustrations with the boy she's always wanted (but will never have). The budget struggles the odd nights out. The friends and the people who will never be. The books and movies and art exhibitions. The photography and coffee addiction. The over involved family and the lack of ownership over her own life after a year of living like a teenager for the sake of university. The dreams and hopes....
Yeah maybe not! hahahahaha Perhaps next year when I'm gainfully employed and stressing over my job instead of university. When I have a different living situation and the ability to completely participate in my life I will be able to find myself in the pages or maybe find the time to put myself in some pages :)

Bring on 2014 !!!


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Gone Girl

This book is not new but I just finished it tonight. I wont write much about it because the power of it lays in not knowing. I have never read a book with characters that I disliked as much as this. I have never read a book with an ending so unexpected and unusual...

This was a horrible book and I couldn't stop reading it once I actually got into it. I ... just.. ARGH!!! what to say about this book. I applaud Gillian Flynn for her superbly planned out and creepily imagined book. I do have to wonder about the state of her mind if she could create that person! 

Woooo! 8/10 sort of .. I mean it deserves that but ..I just don't know...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

An interesting day!!!

Here I am this afternoon on my walk, totally styled by mother nature! (..and some box vodka it must be said). This weather we're having is awesome, jasmine on the air & sunshine on my shoulders, but it's also a little scary. The wind is just intense. I am surrounded by giant trees and I keep waiting for them to come through my bedroom ceiling! Though I think I have already established what a big baby I am :)

So, to the ranty part of this post...this morning I woke up to a text message that I didn't quite know what to do with featuring a dudes junk. As a single girl in the city I've received many such text messages and usually have no problem knowing what to do with them. When this happens I usually show everybody I can get to look at it, laugh my head off, delete it and forget about it. They usually come from people who I've not even met. The difference is that this 'art' comes courtesy of someone I do know. This 'junk' is not news to me. I mean.. how to be delicate ?? been there done that so why the pic?? It's so unlike this person. He doesn't need to do that and he's never done it before. I'm gonna go with a ton of alcohol being the culprit but it still annoys me. 

Message to all men out there... Put it away. Do not photograph it. Anybody who wants to see it will let you know, they don't want to be taken by surprise when they open their text messages in the morning. Keep it classy people. Please.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Can you be religious if you don't believe in God???

It's the funniest thing lately. I've started to think a lot about faith and religion. I came across a person recently who had the type of personality that I want to have when I grow up! LOL She's finished. She is totally secure in who she is, she's just so comfortable in her life and seems to be so happy with it without ever thinking that it's perfect. She's comfortable in her skin and really wants to simply live her life to the limit, experiencing everything.

Sounds great right? I think so and the thing that gets me is that almost every person that I've met who has a similar sort of existence is a person of faith. I want that but I have that small problem... I just cant believe in a higher power. I semi regularly attend services, I appreciate religion and the things that come with faith and I really believe that I model the values of most religions every day. So does it matter that I don't have the final piece of that puzzle?

I have applied for a position in a Catholic school and have become even more curious about this ever since. Once my uni work is done I will probably start to investigate some sort of religious education simply because I cant get it out of my mind. I joke that I'm a prime candidate for conversion except for that one little issue... :P

I guess time will tell but this is a pretty massive idea and the fact that I don't know anybody who is a person of faith will make it quite the journey but I really think the time has come....


Saturday, September 21, 2013

just some stuff

It's been a quiet kinda Saturday. I put the sexy raincoat (LOL) on and went for a walk this morning. I think that half marathon I've signed up for in November will be a breeze if they have a coffee stop every 2k or so like they do around here :)  It's quite interesting. I was talking to the girl at Starbucks about the awesome Salted Caramel mocha's which are now in season. YUM first of all and YEP still very intolerant of dairy and mocha's secondly ... anyhow she was saying that we're affiliated with Starbucks Singapore instead of Starbucks North America thus no Pumpkin Lattes for us :( ... Oh my first world problems!!! hahahahaha

I've spent the afternoon trying to get into 'Gone Girl'. My flat-mate is away and she gave me orders to read it before she gets back so we can talk about the ending but I'm having issues even getting to half way! I don't even think it's the book. It's more that I have the attention span of a goldfish these days hahahaha :P  Speaking of my flat-mate she's supposed to be back from Hawaii today but I don't have any clue when to expect her. I don't even know if she was getting in today or leaving Hawaii today and thus early morning arrival here tomorrow. It's just weird waiting when you don't know if someones turning up or not. Also I'm paranoid about having the house perfect and so stepping VERY lightly. It's as bad as when my mum comes to visit!!!

And now it's all about reality television goodness! My fave Ice Road Truckers then The real Housewives of Orange County and ending the trifecta with Vanderpump Rules!! YAY!! Except for I.R.T such trash and not such a bad way to spend a Saturday night. Of course I can think of one or two other ways that I would rather spend the night but what are  you going to do. LOL  


Friday, September 20, 2013

Dreaming ...

What a day! 
I didn't really do much but I feel like I've been busy busy busy :)

I'm having issues getting to the end of my course at University... it's crazy close.. like one week of classes left close but it's getting harder and harder to deal with being so poor. I am having day dreams about being able to have the life of a grown up!... I'm dreaming of real hair product and freedom to get groceries as and when I choose.. ooohh freedom to buy books and have itunes sprees! I'm dying to join a gym and buy real clothes and actual shoes that don't hurt my feet. How exciting to be able to pay a water bill and a power bill and still take the bus!!! AAAhhhhh 

It's like the closer I get to freedom and that real grown up life on my own terms the further away it seems to get. I almost get breathless thinking that I will never be able to have my own art on the walls or store the damn toilet paper actually IN the bathroom. I'm really dying to live alone. 


Anyhow I've been scrolling through my pinterest boards and thought I would share some of my all time favorite pins. They take my mind off of the frustrations and make me smile so you know.. it's the small things :)


Monday, September 16, 2013

New Purchases :)

It's kinda weird to post pics of underwear but a bunch of new bras makes such a pretty picture! :)
<3 The Warehouse (yep seriously) for all my underwear needs! 


Sunday adventures

Yesterday was soooooo fun! The weather was warmer and drier than it's been for a few days and so my friend and I headed out for an adventure :P We explored further in a part of town that I am so amazed I happen to live very close to. For the longest time while I knew the suburb was there I had no idea what delights it really held and ever since my first summer afternoon spent walking to the end of the spit I've been in LOVE. We walked down the side of a cliff to the cutest little bay ever. People actually live there and their homes have the look of an artists commune right on the sand. As we walked along we were constantly saying "wow" "omg check that out" whilst trying to remain circumspect and not come off like crazy stalkers hahahaha. 
Just.So.Beautiful and I cant wait to spend the day on that sand and finally hit the water when summer comes around.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

It's SPRING and I'm loving some things :)

Hell YES! Woooo it's spring time here in the Big Little City. It's come so fast that a lot of the trees and insects and things that kinda live by spring are all confused. I think that must have been the .. smallest (?) winter on record. It just had such little impact, a couple of colder days that required a hat.. a little bit of rain here and there but over all it was warm, dry and FAST. Many of those confused trees have been in flower for weeks!!

I am currently sitting about 2 months away from finishing my course at University. I mean how fast has this year gone?? I can't believe that these months have flown by because it has really seemed to be interminable while I've been struggling through them. I have come to really hate being a university student. I love being in the class, working with the kids but as far as my classes at uni and the way they're run... I CAN NOT WAIT till they're done. I just...  I don't even know how to express how much I am looking forward to walking out of that place and not going back!

First LOVE. Last night I celebrated my friends birthday at Orphans Kitchen in Ponsonby ( ... and Long room it must be said). I don't have any pics because we'd already been at Long room for a while before we got to dinner ( .... lol) and we were having a lot of fun so taking pics wasn't high on my list of things to think about.  The place has only been open a couple of weeks so my trendy friends were hot to get there asap given the amazing reviews that they've been getting all over the place. I was a little baffled when I saw the menu ... I didn't really understand a lot of it. I mean a margaritas and nachos at the Mexican place in Mission Bay (Dos Amigos) is how I normally get down for a celebration and this was remarkably more intense and 'foodie' than that. I decided that my friend should just order for me. she did and it was so A-MAY-ZING I was reduced to a drunken pile of 'omagawd omagawd' as I chowed down on the BEST gnocchi in the world and a spectacular version of a banoffi pie. Along with some yummy red wine that I would NEVER have decided to drink on my own. So in conclusion FOOD n WINE = Indescribable. I mean how many times can you say amazing and ohmygawd before it ceases to really mean anything (... OK I know ohmygawd doesn't really mean anything) ATMOSPHERE = really very conducive to having a great time and SERVICE = so friendly and actually pretty fast I thought given the overwhelming crowd they were dealing with. I think my friends who go to 'proper' places a lot had a couple of things that they noticed could maybe be improved. I don't know what they were but even my friends enjoyed the over all experience so much they didn't care.  So yes, Orphans Kitchen is the first thing I'm loving right now. I was so serious... chef Tom, if you are single and straight MARRY MEEEEEEEEEEEE :P

The second thing I'm loving is the Infernal Devices series by Casandra Clare. I heard that it was better than the Mortal Instruments series and as it's the prequel I decided to start with this series. LOVING IT. I am totally getting the collective swoon of book nerds around the world for Jem. *SIGH* Great writing, I love the way that the action grabs me and I am literally swearing out loud when I'm surprised by something. All of the best books make you react out loud :)

I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago and I finally got around to taking a pic and posting it up yesterday. I'm kinda in two minds about it. I do like it but it's quite different and I don't know that it expresses 'me' very well but maybe as I get older I'm no longer the messy curls person .. I don't know.  I predictably got a lot of nice comments on Face Book. You have to love your friends for that right? Problem is that they're friends and they have to be nice. I asked a guy I know who I wouldn't count as a friend for his opinion on the way girls wear their hair to try and get a bit of balance... and I was kinda curious. I am not the girl who is going to do something like cut my hair to impress a guy but it's still interesting what they find attractive collectively. Well the dude was so useless!! He told me he likes my curly hair (which this is NOT lol) but had no idea what I was talking about otherwise. HAHAHAHAHAHA poor thing, just so easy to bamboozle. Oh well, I guess it's not like I can put it back on my head so his opinion or lack there of is pretty irrelevant. :)

LASTLY. I've noticed one tag or link up or what ever on my blog roll a lot recently and while I'm not going to link up I thought I might finish this post with a reduced version of "the songs that define me". I've given it some thought and here are my top 10 all time favorite songs ever... in no particular order... 

1. For the people - Nesian Mystic
2. Spin One - Aradhna + Che Fu
3. So True - The Black Seeds
4. Waka - Che Fu
5. Slow Jams - Baby Face + Tamia
6. The rest of my life - Brian McKnight
7. Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
8. Arithmetic- Brooke Frasier
9. Get Me Bodied - Beyonce
10. History in the making - Darius Rucker


I love how many of them are Kiwi artists. I didn't realise how much I love New Zealand music until I started to think about this list. Some honorable mentions are : Red Camero by Rascal Flatts, Faithful by Brooke Frasier, Around the way girl by LL Cool J, Whenever You Call by Mariah Carey and Brian McKnight, Jumpin Jumpin by Destinys Child and I'm ready by Tevin Campbel.