
Friday, September 20, 2013

Dreaming ...

What a day! 
I didn't really do much but I feel like I've been busy busy busy :)

I'm having issues getting to the end of my course at University... it's crazy close.. like one week of classes left close but it's getting harder and harder to deal with being so poor. I am having day dreams about being able to have the life of a grown up!... I'm dreaming of real hair product and freedom to get groceries as and when I choose.. ooohh freedom to buy books and have itunes sprees! I'm dying to join a gym and buy real clothes and actual shoes that don't hurt my feet. How exciting to be able to pay a water bill and a power bill and still take the bus!!! AAAhhhhh 

It's like the closer I get to freedom and that real grown up life on my own terms the further away it seems to get. I almost get breathless thinking that I will never be able to have my own art on the walls or store the damn toilet paper actually IN the bathroom. I'm really dying to live alone. 


Anyhow I've been scrolling through my pinterest boards and thought I would share some of my all time favorite pins. They take my mind off of the frustrations and make me smile so you know.. it's the small things :)


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