
Saturday, September 28, 2013

An interesting day!!!

Here I am this afternoon on my walk, totally styled by mother nature! (..and some box vodka it must be said). This weather we're having is awesome, jasmine on the air & sunshine on my shoulders, but it's also a little scary. The wind is just intense. I am surrounded by giant trees and I keep waiting for them to come through my bedroom ceiling! Though I think I have already established what a big baby I am :)

So, to the ranty part of this post...this morning I woke up to a text message that I didn't quite know what to do with featuring a dudes junk. As a single girl in the city I've received many such text messages and usually have no problem knowing what to do with them. When this happens I usually show everybody I can get to look at it, laugh my head off, delete it and forget about it. They usually come from people who I've not even met. The difference is that this 'art' comes courtesy of someone I do know. This 'junk' is not news to me. I mean.. how to be delicate ?? been there done that so why the pic?? It's so unlike this person. He doesn't need to do that and he's never done it before. I'm gonna go with a ton of alcohol being the culprit but it still annoys me. 

Message to all men out there... Put it away. Do not photograph it. Anybody who wants to see it will let you know, they don't want to be taken by surprise when they open their text messages in the morning. Keep it classy people. Please.


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