
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A-Z in April. A is for Auntie

I decided to do the A-Z in April blog challenge again this year. I've participated twice before and it's how I came across some of my all time fave blogs and also it's just a great challenge to make you think about interesting and different posts. I was planning to have a snazzy theme and work out some cool posts before hand but that didn't happen so I'm going to have to wing it. I'll probably just think of something appropriate for each day as I sit down to write and go for it :)

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These are pics from last weekend. I stayed with my sister and my nephew. What a great weekend! This is my first time being Auntie and as he gets older it's getting more and more fun. I have to admit that babies do nothing for me, even when they're super cute and well behaved. He's 15 months now and so just beginning to be pretty awesome :)

In these pics we're hanging out in the gardens and he stole my drink and goobered in it. For some reason that I cant put my finger on it was sooooo hilarious and of course my sister managed to capture my hysterics!

This was also the first time that he's really noticed me and was being so friendly. It was absolutely lovely and I just cant wait to hang out with him as he grows and learns. I may be a lil bit biased but by my reckoning he's the most handsome and the smartest little guy in the world...EVER :-P



  1. Totally agree. Being the cool Auntie is the best. You get all the fun, then drop them off at the end of the day. No hassle :)

    1. and buy noisy toys and feed them sugar!... it's going to be awesome :)
