
Monday, October 7, 2013

It's voting time.. and I'm not talking x factor

I've had my say on who I want to represent me. I didn't vote in the last general election and I regretted it because I believe that it's important to exercise the rights you've been given. After all history is full of people who fought for you to have them... 

Though I have to say it was a bit weird voting for the health board. I know nothing about what makes a good health board or who should be on it but I do know that our current board is broke so perhaps some financial experts???

It was interesting picking through the little booklet of candidates. When you cross out the people who don't live in the area and those with extreme platforms ('Christians against abortion' party I'm looking at you) the pickings were pretty slim. In the last local elections I voted for the current mayor but this time I was going to vote for anybody but him. I've come to love my city but there are so many day to day things that need to be fixed before he worries about all of his grand plans. We already have a kick ass city Mr Brown just fix the frayed edges and quit it with the crappy plans to spend millions and millions of dollars on stupid things like new cultural museums. I mean really??? Our current museum is awesome... give them half the $$ and let them have at creating a cultural space!

hmmm this post was supposed to be a simple 'yay voting' post not a political rant! hahaha 

VOTE people


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