
Monday, January 12, 2015

So I'm back!!!

The last time I posted was almost 4 and a half months ago! 

That time has changed my life a lot. I have done heaps, seen so many things and come to some new conclusions. I don't remember what I was going on about pre blog-break. I feel like it was a life time ago and I'll probably seem different and maybe at odds with who I was. For most of the last 4 1/2 months  I've had no internet access at home and writing isn't really something I wanted to do in a public space.

So now I'm all internet ready and full of beans to have another go at keeping this baby flowing. You can see by the Instagram and Good Reads links in the side bar what I've been up to and hopefully from now on you will be able to read all about it here as well. 

I have been lucky enough to see cool shows, listen to cool music, read some awesome books and attend fun events. I'm coming up on one year with my boyfriend  and I'm about to move into my first ever apartment. 2015 seems to hold so much promise that I'm sure I'll have a LOT of material. I have wanted to write about the things I've been up to so much but I'm not going to look back it's all about moving forward baby! 



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